Before agreeing to meet my new clients, we must first determine - via a phone conversation or email exchange - if I am the right Celebrant match.
This is important. Here are some key points to clarify: AVAILABILITY Am I free for the time, date and location of your wedding ceremony? We can certainly chat about the wedding and the possibility that I may be your Celebrant, but until the date is secured there is no real point meeting. We must first ensure that I am available for the wedding date and time. DETAILS OF CEREMONY Are having a bridal party (?), an orchestra (?) or is your ceremony 'less formality'. You are the best person to communicate what type of ceremony you hope for, so discuss this upfront. A ceremony for 20 guests will be delivered differently to that of a ceremony for 200 guests. One is small, intimate and may not even require the PA system, the other is likely to have more formality within the proceedings of the ceremony. DOCUMENTS REQUIRED Marriage requires legal paperwork and valid documents be sighted for identification purposes. I discuss the identification documents that you must bring to our first meeting. If all documents are available then we are able to complete the Notice of Intended Marriage (NOIM) form together. COMMUNICATION Vital characteristics for a Celebrant would be 'confidence' and 'excellent articulation'. Every time I communicate with my new clients I have the opportunity to demonstrate (through my articulation and being informative) that I have excellent communication abilities, which guests find confidence-inspiring. FEES Every Celebrant sets their own suitable fee for service. The more you pay for Celebrant services expect plenty of prior experience and a fully-inclusive service offering. I offer two fee rates to all my clients: 1. Standard fee - including one hour rehearsal at the wedding venue. 2. Basic Ceremony fee - no rehearsal at the wedding venue* * This suits couples that are having small intimate ceremonies with no bridal party, only a small number of witnesses. Find out what the cost is, then find out what is included in the fee and what may be extra cost. DID WE 'CLICK' You must feel a sense of rapport with your Celebrant. Did you feel 'heard' and responded to when discussing your ideas and feelings about the ceremony? Together, do you feel with me as your Officiant that your marriage ceremony will be the joyous celebration you desire? So finally, WHERE SHALL WE MEET? You are encouraged to POST YOUR OWN COMMENTS below!
Katie Blanchflower